Game of Codes: When Programming Languages Play the Game of Thrones

Master Spring Ter
5 min readOct 14, 2024


In the Seven Kingdoms of Technology, you debug or you die. Brace yourselves; code is coming.

Code of Thrones

Prologue: Once Upon a Segmentation Fault

In a land where servers are hot and the coffee is black, the Great Houses of Programming squabble over the Iron Keyboard. Legends speak of a prophecy: one language to rule them all, but let’s be honest — that’s probably just JavaScript trying to sneak into the backend again.

House Fortran: The White Walkers of Code

Emerging from the icy realms of legacy systems, House Fortran is the stuff of nightmares and outdated documentation. They’re ancient, powerful, and refuse to die — much like that one bug you can’t fix. Rumor has it they communicate only in punched cards and consider GUI a form of dark magic.

House COBOL: The Undead Bankers

If you hear eerie whispers in the data center, it’s probably House COBOL running the world’s economy on code older than your grandpa’s jokes. Every time someone suggests replacing them, a mainframe somewhere crashes in despair. They’re the reason why your bank statement looks like it was printed on a dot matrix printer.

House C and House C++: The Starks and Lannisters

House C, honorable and minimalist, believes in doing things the hard way because malloc builds character. House C++, on the other hand, inherits everything from House C but with more drama and multiple inheritances (pun intended). Their family gatherings are tense — think null-pointer exceptions at every Thanksgiving.

House Java: The Unsullied

Trained from birth to be verbose and platform-independent, House Java’s code is so strict it makes your English teacher’s grammar lessons look like a free-form jazz session. Their battle cry? “Write Once, Debug Everywhere!” They guard the realm of enterprise applications, where XML flows like wine.

House Python: The Faceless Coders

Mysterious and flexible, House Python can wear many hats — or should we say, masks? One moment they’re automating your scripts, the next they’re powering your machine learning models. They follow the Zen of Python, which is like the seven-faced god but with more whitespace.

House JavaScript: The Wildlings

They live beyond the wall of server-side logic, where chaos reigns and ‘undefined’ is not just a state of mind but a way of life. House JavaScript laughs at type safety and dances with asynchronous demons. They’re everywhere and nowhere, running both your fridge and your thermostat because why not?

The Framework Free-for-All: A Battle Royale

Angular vs. React vs. Vue: The Three-Eyed Ravens

  • Angular is the seasoned warrior, wielding two-way data binding like a Valyrian steel sword. But with great power comes a steep learning curve that feels like scaling the Wall without a ladder.
  • React is the cool kid with a mysterious past (spoiler: Facebook), introducing virtual DOMs faster than you can say “Winter is Coming.” They’re all about components, which is just a fancy word for LEGO blocks of the internet.
  • Vue.js is the new contender, easy-going and approachable, like that one character everyone loves before they’re brutally killed off — or in this case, forked into oblivion.

The Mobile Houses: Swifty Targaryens and Kotlin Dothraki

  • House Swift soared in on dragons (or Apple devices, same thing), overthrowing Objective-C with a swift (pun intended) and modern syntax. They’re elegant, powerful, and only slightly obsessed with their own ecosystems.
  • House Kotlin gallops across the steppes of Android development, swinging null safety like an arakh. They joined forces with Google, proving that even Dothraki can settle down if the tooling is good enough.

The Night Watch: Developers at the Edge

Guarding the realms of men (and women and non-binary folks) are the full-stack developers. They know everything from CSS dark arts to database incantations. Their vows include phrases like “I shall wear no UI/UX and win no user’s love,” mainly because they’re too busy fixing merge conflicts at 2 AM.

The Iron Bank of GitHub

All debts must be paid, and all pull requests must be merged. GitHub, the Iron Bank, funds all houses equally — until you mess up the master branch. Then they own your soul, or at least your open-source contributions. Remember, a Lannister always commits their code.

The Lord of Light Framework: TensorFlow

Whispers tell of a new magic from the distant lands of AI — the Lord of Light Framework, TensorFlow. It promises to resurrect dead projects and perform miracles like recognizing cats in photos. But be warned: only those who understand the prophecies (and linear algebra) may wield its power.

The Mother of Packages: NPM

With countless packages at her command, the Mother of Packages can both create and destroy. One moment you’re installing a simple library; the next, you’re downloading half the internet and summoning ancient dependencies last updated during the reign of Windows XP.

Comic Relief: The Jester of Programming — PHP

Ah, PHP — the jester that somehow ended up running 79% of the web. Lovingly mocked yet impossibly ubiquitous, PHP is like that one character who keeps surviving against all odds. No one knows why they’re still around, but the realm wouldn’t be the same chaotic mess without them.

The Faceless Men: Hackers and Bug Bounties

In the shadows lurk the Faceless Men, able to become anyone by exploiting vulnerabilities. They keep the houses on their toes, for who else will remind you that leaving your admin password as ‘1234’ is a bad idea? They don’t want gold; they want your data — or better security practices.

The Great War: Tabs vs. Spaces

An ancient feud that has divided kingdoms and ruined friendships. Will there ever be a resolution? Not until the prophecy is fulfilled — that one developer will come, born under an eclipse, who can unite the indentations and bring peace to the syntax.

Epilogue: Code Is Coming

In the Game of Codes, you deploy or you rollback. Technologies will rise and fall, documentation will be written and ignored, and the only constant is the looming deadline nobody agreed upon but everyone must meet.

So, sharpen your keyboards, update your stack, and remember:

  • Not all heroes wear capes; some debug in production.
  • Magic comes with a price, and so does technical debt.
  • And finally, when someone says, “It’s just a small change,” run. Run like you’re being chased by a memory leak.

Author’s Note:

This tongue-in-cheek saga pays homage to the epic world of Game of Thrones while poking fun at the ever-evolving landscape of programming. May your commits be clean and your code reviews merciful!

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